Playa del Carmen Spanish Lessons > Teach Me Mexico

There are a number of Spanish schools in Playa del Carmen. We'll help you decide which is best for you and arrange it -- free!

Spanish Schools in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Spanish Lessons

Study Spanish in
Playa del Carmen, Mexico

See what a difference in your Spanish even a week or two can make. Or stay longer!

Spanish Lessons in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Study Spanish in the Sun in Playa del Carmen

Study Spanish in a Hammock in Playa del Carmen

Re-energize your body and your Spanish language skills at Playa del Carmen, where you can relax on the white-sand tropical beaches, shop, swim, snorkel or dive, and quench your thirst with a frosty margarita surfside. Over your Spanish book, naturally. Here's what you need to know to help us find the best Spanish classes for you in Playa del Carmen:

  • Do you want small group or private classes?
  • How many hours of class per day do you want -- 3, 4, 5, or 6? (If you're really hard-core about learning Spanish, you can even take 7 or 8 hours a day in Playa!)
  • How many weeks or months do you plan to study in Puebla?
  • Do you want to focus on Spanish for any particular profession, such as medicine, law enforcement, tourism, or business?
  • Are you a Spanish teacher or want to be one?
  • Do you already work or live in Mexico but want to better your Spanish?
  • Do you have any children or teens traveling with you?

Discuss your answers with us so we can guide you to your ideal Spanish school and classes.


Spanish Lesson Costs

Teach Me Mexico does not mark up the schools' prices, so you get the best deal out there. Our service is completely free to you. We just want your time learning Spanish in Playa del Carmen to be everything you hope for.

  • Class Type
  • Cost Per Week (US$)
    • Intensive Group (20Hrs/Wk)
    • Intensive Group (25Hrs/Wk)
    • $150 - 275
    • $245 - 340

Playa del Carmen's schools also offer one-on-one classes, ones geared towards specific professions, programs for kids, and more. Let us know what you want in your Spanish classes and we'll find the program that suits you!


Important Notes

  • Normally classes are weekly, Monday through Friday.
  • Some schools have a registration fee of US$50-100, as well as a small cost for books.
  • In group classes, you will be with people at about your same Spanish level.
  • Often, the more weeks of classes you sign up for, the less per week it costs.
*Spanish lesson costs are subject to change. When you work with Teach Me Mexico, we'll give you the most recent, best-deal prices for you in Playa del Carmen.